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UGG at Scandinavian Guitar Show 2004
By Fred Heghammar UGG.

UGG at Scandinavian Guitar Show 2004
We had two fantastic days, Thank you all for visiting our booth at the show!
Here are some photos from the event.

UGG's fully loaded booth.

Mystic Blues Amps! Our own favorites!

US vs UK, tone heaven

Tubewonder, new Swedish amp.

Fred plays the Paul.

Mad Professor in stereo.

Custom Sounds Andreas and Harri, Ulf Z from Fuzz Magazine checks out the booth.

Custom Sounds mighty guitars

Lehnert, very nice light weight combos with a big sound. Hand built in Sweden.

Lundgren custom wound pu's.

Happy Birthday!

Some cool echooooooooos.

Nusse at Fuzz Magazine booth.

West Coast guy on visit in cold north.

Stay tuned

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